1. Make a record of your time spent in prayer, and the topics on which you prayed. Remember, prayer for others should take precedence over prayer for yourself, but don't neglect to take your own needs to the Lord as well.2. Don't shy away from situations that call for compassion, but seek them out. Record the times, places, and situations in which you practiced compassion, and examine your response. Ask yourself how you could have done better, but don't neglect to note when you've done all you could to the best of your ability.
3. It's especially important to keep a journal of your evangelical activities, as you will learn which activities are most effective for you. Seek to answer these questions to learn how to be a more effective evangelist:
1) Did I take advantage of every opportunity?
2) Was I prepared materially with such materials as tracts or a Bible available?
3) Was I prepared mentally with answers to Biblical questions?
4) Was I prepared emotionally and spiritually through regular scheduled prayer for the demands of evangelical activities?
5) Did I reflect the love of Christ, or did I do something that may have caused the individual to actually "tune-out" the message?
6) Did my actions lead someone to Christ? (If so, Praise God!)