Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 28:24-29
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Scripture Quote: Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise. Proverbs 15:31(NIV)
How well do you receive criticism? When we think about the times that we learned or grew the most, it usually involved some trial and error. When criticism was meant to instruct it should have been welcome, but when anyone else offers a remark that points out our error, well, we just don’t like it much. The simple truth is that, Christians or not, we are vain humans. Our pride is always trying to control our thinking and behavior. Criticism offered in love, or by a more capable person that is trying to help, still seems to sting.
True wisdom takes a lifetime to acquire and then only when we seek it from the Lord's vast resources. God gives wisdom, understanding and knowledge in all kinds of skills. Each new thing has to be learned gradually with mistakes that are inevitable before a thing can be mastered. If there are others along the way who can actually offer advice or show us a better or more efficient way of doing a thing, it is pretty foolish to take offense. Even in the most common and less difficult skills in life there is room for error. If we can accept criticism as a learning tool rather than a person attack, we will be that much closer to becoming the wise Christian people we actually want to be when we grow up.
Today’s meditation: Choose to embrace criticism and learn from it.
Memory Verse: Wisdom's instruction is to fear the LORD, and humility comes before honor. Proverbs 15:33 (NIV)
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