Our Purpose Is Certain
By, Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Psalms 119:105-112
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Scripture Quote: Lev 18:3-5 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God. Keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD.
Under God's provision, we can discover what God's will is for our lives, by first reading His Word. We must understand His previous actions and statues through many of the Spirit inspired stories that have been recorded in the Bible. But we’d rather have God miraculously inform us of His purpose for us now, without having to first study His Word. While miraculous insights have probably occurred in the lives of some believers, it’s doubtful that it will happen to the rest of us.
Before He will illuminate His direction for us, we need to know Him more intimately. There are statutes from God that are part of our heritage and knowing that He has left this information readily accessible, should be the joy of our hearts. None of God's own want to rebel against Him, or to turn away from Him. But we sometimes forget that we really can't do anything good in our own strength because we must depend on God for the strength that enables us to abstain from evil, or from being lazy in His sight.
Today’s meditation: Study His Book
Memory Verse: Plasms 119:91 Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.