Hope Floats Eternal
Toni Smothers
Unless Christ was raised to life, your faith is useless and you are still living in your sins. But Christ has been raised to life. We can be certain that other Believers will also be raised to life. Adam caused the punishment of death to all mankind, Christ will bring eternal life to all of us who believe and trust in Him. Christ will rule and all His enemies will be overcome and destroyed under His power until He destroys even death. Once everything is under Christ's power, He will put Himself under the power of God, who put everything under His Son's power. Then our God will mean everything to everyone, as it should have been from the beginning. (1 Cor 15:17-28)
We are so blessed to have been chosen to follow Christ. Our life in heaven has been secured for us by Christ's sacrificial death. Living a life in total gratitude for what Christ has accomplished for us seems natural and appropriate. Our highest priority is to serve Jesus during our lives on earth and share Him with anyone we encounter who is unaware of His message of truth and love. We don't need to be great evangelists. We simply need to share our experiences with His interaction in our lives. We tell what we know to be true and we leave the rest of the process of discovering Christ's love to Christ.