Do You Know About Jesus’ Grace?
Scripture Reading for the day: John 1:10-14
Jesus didn’t care about riches, that’s for sure. I sometimes wonder if He came to bring his message of salvation today, just how he would be received. Would he come as a homeless man, seeking a dozen men to follow Him and learn about God’s grace, like he did with His disciples long ago? Would His poverty and disregard for money or status be accepted by any group living in this present age? Or would we look down on Jesus, even call him a bum? You know what, He would still love all of us anyway, because that is who He is!
Jesus knew His fate from the beginning. He gave up His spiritual riches for the sake of our spiritual ignorance. He willingly became poor and humble, living as a man, alongside humanity’s sinfulness. He was the creator of all things, yet He was rejected, beaten, tortured and ultimately murdered because His message of grace usurped the authenticity and authority of the Pharisees and Sadducees - Are we sometimes as clueless as them?
Scripture Quote: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, for your sakes He became poor, in order that you might be made rich through His poverty.” 2 Corinthians 8:9 (MKJV)
Today’s meditation: Are our independent, success oriented goals a major stumbling block to our pursuit of a true, deep relationship with our Savior?
Memory Verse: For He has made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2Co 5:21 (MKJV)