Scripture Reading for the day: Ephesians 4:20-32
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Scripture Quote: “You are perfectly just in this, but will you, who cannot allow sin in any form, stand idly by while they swallow us up? Should you be silent while the wicked destroy people who are more righteous then they?” Habakkuk 1:13
When our circumstances become almost unbearable, we can wonder if God has forgotten us. We need to remember that God is always in control. God will judge the wicked according to his will and timing. Do we dare presume to tell God what he is to do on our behalf? If we are truly humble, we will train ourselves to wait on God’s timing and simply believe His protection is always present even when we don’t see it with our limited capacity.
Additionally, evil is self-destructive so that God can still choose to use if for His purposes because absolutely everything is under His dominion. His choices do not need our approval or understanding.
If you live by faith, you don’t always get what you want, but you will get what God thinks you need and you will get God’s presence in your daily life. Being able to walk with God now and into all of eternity is the blessing we can focus on rather than our temporary troubles or our misgivings about God’s response time.
Meditation for the day: “I made no resolutions to be a better man – I simply cast myself on the Lord to do with me whatever He wanted.” John Newton (We can do the same.)
Memory Verse: “Be just and fair to all, says the LORD. Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you.” Isaiah 56:1