Scripture Reading for the day: John 21:1-25
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Scripture Quote: “After breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? Yes Lord, Peter replied, you know I love you. Then feed my lambs, Jesus told him.” John 21:15 (NLT)
Would you pick a person that doubted you and betrayed you to be one of your best friends - Probably not? Jesus did and, no matter how often they disappointed Him, He always forgave them. In the end, He placed them in charge of His church. Seems hard to believe that Jesus couldn’t find more suitable or reliable people to represent him - But that’s really the point, we are all unsuitable and unreliable. We just fool ourselves into thinking that we aren’t that bad, that our walk with the Lord isn’t often shaky at best.
But Jesus loves us just as much at He did Peter. He sticks with us as we stumble along so that it doesn’t matter how many times we lose in life, he has already won our final victory. Jesus was raised from death’s grip and He is alive today and forever more. That is what gives our broken hearts the hope we can confidently cling to.
Meditation for today: The fact that God’s power is displayed in our weaknesses should encourage us. We all fall short of His glory, yet we are still His beloved children.
Memory Verse: “Each time He said, My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9