By, Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:1-6
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Scripture Quote: You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. (Romans 14:10 NIV)
The Word directs us how to behave in reference to the wrong doing of others. We are not to act like the Pharisees, who were very rigid and severe - They condemned others and were proud and conceited. We should judge ourselves and our own acts, but we are not entitled to judge anyone else. Our judgement is usually uncharitable, unmerciful, with a spirit of revenge and a desire to retaliate. We so often justify our anger towards our brother and lack the grace to forgive. Do remember that plank in your own eye.
Wisdom and love prevent discord among people, which should be a believer’s goal. Not every Christian is at the same place spiritually. Some are not easily weaned from the sinful behavior that had once dominated their lives. How can we judge them when we also struggle with our own sinful nature? We are all broken people and should not let hurt feelings or pride make us judge others harshly. We can choose to develop a difference among ourselves that emulates Christ's goodness and mercy towards our neighbor.
Today’s meditation: Leave judgement to God – Show mercy instead.
Memory Verse: There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:12 NIV)