Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18 (Scripture quoted is from MSG)
Scripture Quote: While he lived on earth, anticipating death, Jesus cried out in pain and wept in sorrow as he offered up priestly prayers to God. Because he honored God, God answered him. Though he was God's Son, he learned trusting-obedience by what he suffered, just as we do. (Hebrew 5:7)
Wouldn't you think that God's son should have lived a comfortable life on earth and then died a peaceful death? He would still have walked the earth with man, died for us, and been resurrected. But Jesus came to earth to do more than just die for our sins. He came to live out a human existence so that He could relate to our temptations and our suffering. If He hadn't also suffered, could he understand our pain?
In every way, besides sinfulness, Jesus experienced human life. He endured more hardships in life than most people do and experienced torturous suffering in death. Jesus does understand when we call out to Him in our pain. He knows the tricks Satan uses to entrap us. Man may never fully grasp the pain and humiliation Jesus went through, but He is able to relate to our failures and suffering. There is nothing we can't bring to Him in prayer and no need greater than His capacity to understand and empathize - Jesus loves us that much. He stands ready to lead us into His glorious light!
Today’s meditation: We can trust God to understand our pain.
Memory Verse: We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. (Hebrews 4:15)