Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:17-21
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Scripture Quote: But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. Matthew 5:44 (CEV)
It's almost an automatic response for us to avenge ourselves and to push back those who exert force on us. It seems that, left to our corrupt character, we are naturally hostile and violent people. There is nothing nobler than to imitate Christ in doing good to those who have hurt us in some way. We can see that all the beauty in nature that God created and continues to sustain, is given to both good and bad people to enjoy. Also, God loved us while we were lost sinners and He still made us His children. Since we are partakers of His Divine nature through Christ, we do have the ability to bless those who treat us badly and to forgive, as God has forgiven us.
Okay, so we know that God wants us to always be forgiving, but it isn't a simple matter because it is contrary to self-love - Our narcissistic tendencies strain hard against such selflessness. The only way we can ever hope to forgive everyone is to stay connected to the mind of Christ. Nothing but His great love, shared with us through the Holy Spirit, can enable us to practice forgiving grace. Christ’s anointing is key to loving deeply and forgiving freely.
Today’s meditation: Love others, even if they are unkind to you.
Memory Verse: Don't be hateful to people, just because they are hateful to you. Rather, be good to each other and to everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 5:15 (CEV)