Scripture Reading for the day: Galatians 1:11-17
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Scripture Quote: “But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another.” Galatians 6:4 (NKJV)
Paul warned the people not to compare themselves to any one else. Each of us is a unique person because God made us this way. He didn’t want everyone to be alike. God is the author of variety and his creation abounds with numerous breeds of animals, types of plants as well as types of people. We need to be responsible for our own actions and follow the path that God has specifically planned for us.
When you came to the Lord, Jesus with confession and repentance in your heart, and believed that he could cleanse you of your sin, you became a new creature – Now you must live like it. Don’t worry about what your neighbor has or does, but look to the Lord for your lead. He will always take you into joy and fulfillment and stay continually by your side wherever you are in your life right now, just yield yourself unconditionally to God and He can make your life a thing of beauty and a demonstration of His glory to all.
Meditation for the day: If you want the perfect plan that God has for your life, you will have to go by way of Calvary to get it.” Billy Graham
Memory Verse: “So Christ has really set us free. Now make sure that you stay free and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” Galatians 5:1