Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Psalms 1:1-6
Scripture Quote: Our LORD, you bless everyone who lives right and obeys your Law. You bless all of those who follow your commands from deep in their hearts and who never do wrong or turn from you.
Psalms 119:1-3 (All verses - CEV)
As Christians, we are to sincerely believe the words that God has inspired men to write in the Bible. Our lives and hearts are ruled by the spirit of love and obedience. We avoid idolatry of things in this world, injustice in all of its many forms, and sinful behaviors that try to linger from our previous way of thinking. As we walk in God's ways, we are eager to attempt to emulate Christ. Though the enemy will often tempt us to change our course, we must hold firm to our God and His precepts. God does not ask us to achieve the impossible, but to follow His commandments with an obedient heart, being assured that His Grace is sufficient for us.
God's children live for the accomplishment of the joy for which God created us. At times we foolishly seek happiness from the world, but we always return to God's path with sincerely repentant hearts. We must never withhold our complete loyalty, which belongs only to God. Choose to often contemplate and be grateful for the dire end from which we have been delivered. We have been so richly blessed with the certainty of the glorious immortality of our souls and have been given complete access to the invisible world of spirit and love.
Today’s meditation: Our immortal souls have been rescued by Christ.
Memory Verse: I don't ever want to stray from your laws. Psalms 119:5