Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:17-27
Scripture Quote: Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. (Ephesians 4:31-32 CEV)
The Word of God tells us to forgive. How are we different than nonbelievers when we will not forgive? What kind of testimony to the world is one of unforgiveness? If Christian people can't forgive others, we show little regard for our salvation. God freely gave His forgiveness of our sins. This is a no-brainer - Any brooding feelings, or tinges of resentment qualify as unforgiveness. Outright anger that rises up in us against someone, insults the constant stream of forgiveness Christ's sacrificial death has provided us. We must always be willing to forgive one another, without exception.
Believers have put off the fallen, sinful state and have been regenerated into fellowship with Jesus - We have been given access to our Heavenly Father's merciful forgiveness. The Bible tells us, and experience confirms, that the old self is not yet dead, but slowly dying. The flesh continues to try to dominate, so although in our renewed hearts we agree with the Law of God, we have a war within us. We must beg Jesus for deliverance. His Holy Spirit that abides in us is powerful and He can win each of our battles with unforgiveness.
Today’s meditation: Forgive others because we are also forgiven.
Memory Verse: Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ. (Ephesians 4:32 CEV)