We Are Never Alone
Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: John 14:19-27
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Scripture Quote: Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. (John 14:16 CEV)
Most people suffer periods of feeling isolated, even within their family or in a group of friends. Humanity is wired to need companionship that is unique only to the Holy Spirit – That’s the way God made us and that need for a missing something can't be satisfied by the company of others. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles just as Jesus promised. Jesus told them that after His death and resurrection He would send them a Comforter. His disciples, even his future followers, are beloved children of God and are never fatherless and are never alone in this world. Our comforter, God's precious Spirit, is our advocate, teacher and beloved guide for all of our lives.
In addition to His presence, the influence of the Holy Spirit enables us to give an accurate depiction of Christ's life and death and a recollection of the particular verses in His Word that help us express His Gospel message to those who haven't heard about the precious gift of salvation. We are Christ's ambassadors, well equipped by His Spirit to offer His great redemption and love to a lost and dying world. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion, forever indwelling, equipping, and enabling us to be bold for Jesus. Believers are never alone!
Today’s meditation: We can allow the Holy Spirit to speak through us.
Memory Verse: (John 14:18 CEV) I won't leave you like orphans. I will come back to you.
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