Abide in Him
By, Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Psalms 91:1-16
Scripture Quote: “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” Psalms 27:5 (NIV)
God is our refuge and our security. There are tremendous blessings awaiting our faithfulness. If we put all our trust and love in Him, there is no limit to His protection and affection. Believers are privileged to enter the very Spirit of God, where by the blood of Jesus, we are safe from the evil one. Deeply rooted faith shows us how important it is to abide in Him. There can be no fence-sitting when it comes to our allegiance to our God. We must be all-out-crazy-in-love with Jesus.
Satan can only prey on the vulnerable. Since we are bound to live in this decadent world, we need a reliable plan to keep us free from worldly temptation’s influence. Yet, we are called to be salt and light to the world and to reach out to the unsaved with the good news of the gospel. Knowing God's Word is imperative to our success. His truth teaches His directives and promises that cover solutions for all circumstances. God's Word will be invariably fulfilled to those who trust in Him. To quote my pastor, “Read the book!”
Today’s meditation: He who lives nearest to God suffers least from temptation.
Memory Verse: “The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalms 27:1 (NIV)