By, Toni Smothers
Scripture Reading: Romans 7:18-22
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Scripture Quote: Gal 6:1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
With few exceptions, both simple and brilliant people possess some level of discernment. Nevertheless, some think very little about God. We see ample opportunities to realize the existence of our Creator. Even so, the nonbeliever describes our world’s mysteries to be examples of their god, who is called, nature. It puzzles the Christian to imagine a brilliant mind upholding such nonsense.
However - They see Christians, the supposed ambassadors of faith in God, who still struggle with being egotistical, prideful and self-reliant. Sin chases after us our whole lives and unless we are rooted in Christ, sin can overwhelm us. As it is, sin still subtlety tricks us. Jesus’ friend and dedicated apostle, Paul, led so many to faith, but desperately struggled with sin. This age old turmoil plagues each of us as well. So, how will we lead another to faith? It's the old boulder in the eye theory: We cannot lead others to the Father if we ourselves show the unbeliever an inability to understand the latent sin in us all. In other words, we are none of us better than another. You never want an unbeliever to look at you and see hypocrisy. You are not holier, but privileged, so walk in grateful humility.
Today’s Meditation: There but through the grace of God, go I.
Memory Verse: “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 (NIV)