Scripture Reading: Psalms 27:1-3 (All scripture is from MSG)
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Scripture Quote: I call to God; God will help me. At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh deep sighs—he hears, he rescues. My life is well and whole, secure in the middle of danger. Even while thousands are lined up against me. (Psalms 55:16-18)
Christians are blessed and confident of being redeemed and saved. If when we pray, we already believe that what we pray for will certainly be accomplished, God honors that kind of faith. We can have peace within and a calm mind. God loves us and wants the best for us. He can turn any situation around because there is nothing too hard or impossible for our Great God.
God is eternal and unchanging - The same God who has heard the prayers of those Believers in the Old and New Testaments hears His people now. He has always answered prayer and He continues to answer and protect us today. God wants to hear about our struggles because it pleases Him to be involved with the lives of His children. We can enter prayer with praise and gratitude in our hearts. Our lives are secure by communion with God who gives us strength for whatever we must face each day. Pray to believe without a doubt that God will answer - He most certainly will.
Today’s meditation: God will always help and protect us - Intimate Communion with God is our blessed anchor.
Memory Verse: Pile your troubles on GOD's shoulders— he'll carry your load, he'll help you out. He'll never let good people topple into ruin. (Psalms 55:22)